Welcome to the application portal of the Hector Fellow Academy

Are you interested in pursuing your doctorate with a self-developed research project under supervision of an outstanding professor or young researcher in Germany? Then we are looking forward to receiving your application.

Before starting your application, please read the following information and the "Instructions for Users" carefully. For more information on our positions, please visit our webpage.

To start the application process, please "REGISTER". After confirming registration by Email, you can log in to your profile and start completing the online application form.

Please make sure that you have the following documents at hand. You may find detailed information on the required documents by clicking each document:

PhD Research Proposal / Letter of Motivation

Please summarize your doctoral thesis on 2-4 pages (4,000 – 8,000 characters, incl. spaces) and address the following points: Introduction to the scientific topic, state of the art in the field of research (+ possibly own preliminary work), goals and methods applied, bibliography. Highlight the innovativeness of your research idea and link your topic with the research field of the chosen Hector Fellow or Hector RCD Awardee.


Please prepare a work schedule and timeline for your doctoral thesis on 1-2 pages, if you apply with your own research idea. Please note: If you are applying for an advertised position, you do not need to submit a timeline.


If you apply with your own research idea, please provide a summary of your planned research (max. 1,500 characters).

Name and Contact Information from two References

Please make sure that your references are aware of your application. After the pre-screening we will contact them and ask for a letter of recommendation to be sent to the Hector Fellow Academy Office. Your references (university professors or other faculty members) should be well-acquainted with your academic work and be able to comment on your academic and professional performance as well as assess your potential to succeed as a PhD student.

Curriculum vitae

Your curriculum vitae should be 1-3 pages long and list the details of your education, your academic history, and previous research activities, volunteer experience, posters, publications, awards and scholarships, international experience, work experience, including internships.

Summary of the Master Thesis

Add a summary of your master’s thesis (max. 1 page).

Copy of Degree Certificates

Please submit copies of your high school diploma, bachelor and master certificates. If you do not have your final certificates by the end of the application deadline, please provide provisional certificates.

Copy of Transcripts of Records

A transcript is an official summary of your academic performance. Please submit copies of your transcripts from your bachelor and master degree.

Optionally, Other Documents Proving Your Qualification

e.g. publications, English language proficiency test certificate, class ranking, etc.

Applications can be submitted until March 31, 2025.*

*Please note: Towards the application deadline, the online application system may be overloaded due to large volume of applications. To ensure timely delivery, we recommend to submit your application as early as possible.

In the first step, the administration office of the Hector Fellow Academy will check your application and send it for review to the Hector Fellow or Hector RCD Awardee you chose as potential supervisor. The Hector Fellows or Hector RCD Awardees will arrange interviews with the most promising applicants. The final candidates will be invited to an online meeting with the selection committee for a presentation after which the final decision will be announced.

Your application will be evaluated according to your academic grades, the feasibility and maturity of your research proposal, and the fitting of the chosen topic to the research field of the preferred Hector Fellow or Hector RCD Awardee.

Thank you very much for your interest in joining the Hector Fellow Academy as a doctoral researcher.

Your Hector Fellow Academy Team


For more information about the Hector Fellow Academy and our positions, please visit our website